FL|CC Community Service Directors' Retreat
October 19 - 21, 2011 Orlando, Florida
Registration Is Now Closed
At least once a year, FL|CC hosts a professional development and planning retreat for faculty and administrators from member campuses responsible for coordinating community service and engagement activities. This can range from service-learning to Community Federal Work Study Programs.
These individuals are broadly classified as community service directors (CSDs) and the retreat provides community service and service-learning directors opportunities to acquire information, best practices, network with colleagues from around the state, and plan for advanced intrastate collaboration.
The retreat will be held on October 19 - 21, 2011 in Orlando, Florida. The CSD Retreat is a professional development and planning opportunity for campus-based Community Service Directors and Service-Learning Coordinators.
We will provide food and lodging* for this event, but space is limited. Due to the limited number of spaces available, there will be an emphasis toward accommodating people from as many different institutions as possible for geographic dispersion.
*Unfortunately, we are unable to provide lodging to those within a 50 mile radius of the venue.