About Us
Florida Campus Compact advances the civic purposes of colleges and universities by deepening their ability to improve community life and to educate
students for civic and social responsibility.
- To enrich the quality of academic instruction through a broader, more engaged collegiate learning experience.
- To strengthen academics and civic engagement through reciprocal campus-community partnerships.
- To support communities in Florida through symbiotic campus-community collaboration.
- To inspire leadership and civic responsibility for conscientious citizenship in a participatory democracy.
- To contribute to the development of a better prepared and more knowledgeable workforce.
About Us
Florida Campus Compact (FL|CC) is part of a national presidential membership organization.
FL|CC is comprised of over 50 college and university presidents who are committed to helping students develop the values and skills of
active citizenship through participation in public and community service. FL|CC works with these presidents and their campuses to
integrate service with academic study and to provide a collegial experience for intercampus and community collaborations.
Member Benefits
Consultative and Professional Development Services
- Improve the quality and impact of engaged teaching, learning, service, and research.
- Increase the skills and abilities of Community Service/Service-Learning Directors, faculty, students, administrators, and community partners.
Public Communication (Data, Networking, Mass Communication)
- Provide opportunities and venues for campuses to disseminate model programs, exchange ideas, and recognize best practices.
- Disseminate online and print materials such as curricula, media kits, brochures, and monthly newsletters to internal and external stakeholders.
Contact us for more information.