FL|CC Special Programs include: Funding and Training Events.
FL|CC continuously seeks funding to assist member campuses build or expand their own civic and/or service mission. Some campus projects
that have been funded in the past are...
With federal funds from a congressionally directed (FIPSE) education grant, the following 10 campuses were provided a total of $202,489 for
projects to be completed during the 2006-2008 academic years.
- Florida International University - $7,226
- Florida Southern College - $20,000
- Florida State University - $30,500
- Hillsborough Community College - $20,000
- Miami Dade College - $25,674
- Palm Beach Community College - $10,000
- Rollins College - $28,400
- University of Central Florida - $30,983
- University of South Florida - St. Petersburg - $10,000
- University of South Florida - Tampa - $19,706
These funds will increase the quality, impact, and sustainability of service-learning and campus-community connections in Florida.
Proposals were considered in light of their anticipated impact on:
- Community residents, community-based organizations, and larger community structures;
- College/university student learning, leadership, and development;
- Institutional infrastructure to support service-learning;
- Campus-community collaborations and the development of "engaged" campuses.
Life Legacy Partnership Program
The Life Legacy Project, with funding assistance through Florida Office of Drug Control Suicide Prevention, enables Florida's institutions
of higher learning to have an important role in meeting an increasingly critical need. Florida ranks second among the 50 states in the
number of residents age 65 or older with almost three million seniors living in Florida in 2005¹. Many of these senior citizens are
increasingly isolated from society and social services.
The partnership engages students and faculty in work with local social service organizations that serve elder adults through creating
intergenerational connections and increasing diversity in the collegiate setting. Four campuses were awarded a total of $50,000 to
implement Life Legacy Partnership Programs:
- Rollins College
- Central Florida Community College
- Tallahassee Community College
- Jacksonville University
Annual Fall Conference: At least once each year, usually in the Fall, FL|CC convenes its stakeholders to share the latest information in the
field of engaged scholarship. With presentations by nationally recognized leaders in this work, our faculty staff, administrators and community
partners come together to learn about best practices while also sharing ideas with their peers from all parts of our state. For more information,
visit: www.institutes.floridacompact.org.
Student Conference: In the Winter, FL|CC hosts its "Student Scholars' Institute" where a limited number of students are invited to participate
in a unique civic learning experience filled with interactive dialogue between students and public officials. Student participants often describe
this as a "life changing experience".
CSD/SLD Retreat: At least once a year, usually in the Summer, FL|CC convenes Community Service/Service-Learning Directors for a professional
development and planning retreat. This gathering with the FL|CC staff brings many different perspectives together in one place for a state-wide view
on the impact of our work. It also helps us share ideas and disseminate best practices while building foundations for future multi-campus