Connect2Complete – Peer Mentoring & Resources for College Success

As many colleges serve populations of underprepared and/or first generation students, they seek innovative ways to impact the quality of student learning, while also increasing timely graduation rates. Connect2Complete (C2C) is a new model for true student success.



An ambitious C2C pilot program was implemented between August 2011 and June 2014. Over the course of the pilot, these programs engaged more than 4,500 low-income, underprepared students enrolled in developmental education courses designed to get them ready for college level coursework.

Through two distinct strategies, course-based peer-to-peer advocacy and peer assisted service-learning, C2C supports students in achieving academic success and credential completion while they actively engage with their peers, their college, and the local community.


Each college tested unique peer-to-peer advocacy models that reflected the culture of their campus while incentivizing participation by Peer Advocates through one of the following mechanisms:

  • Federal work-study funds
  • Leadership courses for academic credit
  • AmeriCorps Education Awards, campus scholarships, student government funds


  • Florida Campus Compact
  • Broward College
  • Miami Dade College
  • Tallahassee Community College


Peer advocacy: College students (including adult learners) themselves are an incredibly under-utilized college resource, and there exists an opportunity and a need to engage them. Mobilizing successful students in support of other students who face obstacles to completion helps peer advocates and mentees integrate academically and socially through key relationships and support networks, thereby influencing students’ intentions to persist in college.

Service-learning: Service-learning provides a high quality learning experience that promotes academic integration and performance, bolsters workforce skills, and empowers students to develop self-efficacy and autonomy. Together these outcomes combine to improve retention and the likelihood of completing a degree.


Laryn Flikkema
Director of Operations & Grant Programs
Florida Campus Compact
Phone: (850) 488-7782

Looking to start your own C2C Program?

Be sure to check out our Connect2Complete guides and models on the Resources page.


College Positive Volunteers Toolkit – Mentoring & Resources for College Access

Become a College Positive Volunteer:
FL |CC’s College Positive Volunteer Initiative seeks to prepare college/university students and/or faculty/staff to promote college access and success through volunteering to mentor K-12 youth. As College Positive Volunteers (CPVs), college students (and their faculty and/or staff) receive training and resources to be effective mentors as part of a college course or service-learning program on their campus.

As mentors, volunteers encourage and build enthusiasm among youth for a college experience, while providing information about college preparation, college admission, college success, career selection, paying for college, and financial resources. Contact us at for additional information on CPV trainings, ways to get involved and to attain copies of the Toolkit. The Toolkit includes College Positive Volunteers in Florida and the Connect2Complete Resources.

Read the College Positive Volunteers Toolkit in the Resources section.